Alderville First Nation has its own library located in the Administration building.
11696 Second Line Road
Roseneath, ON K0K 2X0
Phone: (905) 352-2011 ext. 207
Fax: (905) 352-3242
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 9am-1pm
All Alderville First Nation status and community members can join at no cost.
All residents that live in the surrounding area can join for a $10.00 fee per family.
You must show identification with your name and current address.
Borrowing Library Materials
You must show your library card to borrow materials.
Borrowing is stopped when charges on your account amount to $5.00 or greater.
Library Cards
Library cards expire annually.
Please report any lost or stolen cards immediately.
Loan Periods
3 weeks: Books and magazines
1 week: DVDs
2 weeks: e-readers
Renewing Items
Items can be renewed by phoning by the library at 905-352-2011 as long as membership card has not expired.
Late fees for most materials – $0.10 per day
Late fees for DVDs – $0.50 per day
Late fees for e-readers – $1.00 per day
We now have Overdrive eBooks & Audiobooks. A large collection of e-books are available for you to read through our Overdrive subscription. This is free with your library card. Now with your library card and an Internet connection you can download audio and e-books to your computer with a few clicks of a mouse.
To visit our Online Catalogue and access Overdrive click:

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